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What Should I Eat During Pregnancy?

In a sea of information, it is easy to drown in mixed information about the “essential “and “necessary” intake of foods and vitamin products being pushed in front of you, even from the pre-pregnancy stage. Few elements have been consistently found in high quality research

What You Should Know About Delayed Cord Clamping

The umbilical cord provides for all of the transport of oxygen and nutrients to your baby, from 5 weeks gestation, until the time it is cut after delivery. The baby’s blood is much more concentrated whilst in utero and progressively dilutes in the first days

Prenatal Screening (NIPs TEST)

Non-invasive prenatal screening (N.I.PS test) has been available to Australian women through their Private Obstetrician for more than three years and has revolutionised the way to screen for conditions such as Down’s Syndrome.  The test was initially processed in California for a fee of nearly