Maternity Plus
A high-quality program that gives you access to highly-qualified pregnancy and obstetrics care to ensure your health and your baby’s well-being.
The program is delivered by Private Obstetrician Guy and the experienced and dedicated private midwifery team at the practice. It is most suited to women who have had babies before, have never experienced pregnancy complications or women who are classified as “low risk“ first-time mothers.
A Maternity Care Program Designed Around Your Baby
The program is designed to ensure your pregnancy is progressing as it should. You’ll have key visits with Guy and regular check-ins with one of our trained and highly-experienced midwives. Our consulting rooms are fitted with ultrasound machines and all our private practice midwives are trained to operate the ultrasound, helping you feel confident about how your pregnancy is progressing. While you will not see Guy at every antenatal visit, you’ll still have the dedicated attention of highly experienced midwives throughout your pregnancy.

Key program milestones
Your first appointment with Dr Skinner will be in the first 6 – 10 weeks of your pregnancy. You will then have scheduled visits every 4 weeks with our private practice midwives.
You will see Guy for private consultations at your 20-22 week check-up and again at 30 weeks.
After your 30-week visit, you’ll see your private practice midwife every 2 weeks until 38 weeks when you will see Dr Skinner. You’ll have one more visit with your midwife at 39 weeks, then Guy at 40 weeks, and every week from then until the birth.
Dr Skinner provides all care at birth and during your stay in hospital. He will expect to be there to manage and assist with the birth, and help welcome your new baby into the world.
Once your baby has arrived, our Maternity Plus program still offers a postnatal care appointment with Guy at 6 weeks after delivery.
During this six weeks, Guy and our midwives are available for support, care and to answer questions. Please know, you are welcome to phone the rooms for advice and guidance.
You can discover more about our Maternity Plus program via our website or over the phone. We look forward to helping you and answering any questions you may have.