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Post-Pregnancy and Newborn Services

Our practice is built on a foundation of providing continuity of care for our patients.  Part of that care extends to many of the support services that maybe required during pregnancy or following the birth of a baby.  These services can include lactation and breastfeeding, nutrition and dietetics services, mental health and pelvic floor care.

We know that every woman, and pregnancy is different, so we understand a more tailored individualised approach for mother and baby that is best suited to address the needs of our wonderful patients. Guy and his Private Practice Midwives can assist and support patients on an “as needs basis” by providing recommended expert providers that are best suited and local to you.


Circumcision is a procedure to remove the foreskin of the penis to expose the glans permanently. Around 20% of boys in Australia are circumcised while, around the world, the number sits at around 30%. This is mostly the result of religious and cultural practices. There are a number of reasons you may want your son circumcised. It’s important to note this is your decision, and we respect your right to choose what’s right for your son. It is a simple operation which can be performed in the first few weeks after birth with local anaesthetic.

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Tongue Tie

The Frenulum Lingua is a small piece of skin which attaches the bottom of your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. It helps stablise the tongue, making it easier to swallow and plays a role in eating as well as helping us shape sounds and words.

A small percentage of babies (around 3%) have a shorter than normal frenulum which ties their tongue more tightly to the mouth, making it more difficult for the baby to move their tongue. This can influence how well they can breast feed. Tongue tie varies from baby to baby and can be moderate to severe.

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Breast Feeding and Lactation Consultation

Whether this is your first baby or your third, many women after the birth of their baby require breast feeding support. With years of experience in working and caring for our patients we understand how important feeding help and support is beyond the hospital.

That is why we have a highly experienced lactation consultant who visits our rooms weekly, offering personalised, one on one sessions, to our patients for all their feeding issues.

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Pelvic Floor

Many women have pre-existing issues with their pelvic floor, either too weak or overactive.  You may have already had assessment by a pelvic floor physiotherapist, and Guy would welcome an update of their findings and treatment plans

When the term ‘Pelvic floor’ is used, this is normally related to weakened pelvic floor muscles, but this can also mean overactive pelvic floor muscles. The Pelvic Floor is a group of muscles and ligaments in women and men that support the pelvic organs of the bladder, uterus and bowel.

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Diet and Nutrition

Diet and Nutrition is crucial to a healthy pregnancy for both mother and baby.  There are many considerations of diet before and during pregnancy.

Some considerations for diet and nutrition are:

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Mental Health

Life comes with many different challenges and mental health and mental wellness are central to our overall experience.  Many people with pre-existing mental health issues will have concerns over their journey through fertility, pregnancy childbirth and becoming and new parent.

We appreciate that these needs are an important area that should be listened to, and where need be, further support and services may be required.

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Contact Our Friendly Team With Any Questions

Our experienced, friendly and professional team can help you with any questions or concerns you may have. Stay Informed. Feel Empowered. Rest Assured.