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Medical Concerns

Extra Stress

Pregnancy will put extra stress on any body.

If you have an underlying medical condition or have had a significant health concern in the past, you should be aware of the possible impacts to your health of having to handle that condition and pregnancy.

Conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, thyroid disorders, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus can place extra strain on your body’s ability to handle the physical stress of pregnancy.

If you have had health concerns in the past, or have an ongoing issue, please have a chat with Guy – before you fall pregnant. With over 20 years’ experience he can help you understand the issues you might face, and the options you might have. 

He can also work with your family doctor and your specialist, to determine the best way to manage your condition, and your pregnancy. To give you, and your baby, the best possible outcome.

Other Things To Consider

Sometimes you need to consider your medical history.

Sometimes, you may need to consider your partner’s medical history. There are many areas that can impact on a couple’s fertility. Before you decide to try for a baby, please book a time with a private obstetrician Guy. Come in and discuss your situation. He’ll want go through your medical history.

So please bring along all your previous investigations and information. If you have time, consider starting a menstrual tracker app if you haven’t already. All the information you can provide will help him make the best possible diagnosis. And determine the best possible way forward for you. For your partner. And for your baby

General Considerations

Whether or not you have underlying medical conditions. Whether you’re healthy or fall into a high-risk area. Whether you’re a first-time mother or having your fifth baby, there are some things any woman can do which will help ensure the best possible outcome for them and their baby.

These include:
– Watching your diet
– Taking specific vitamin supplements
– Taking folic acid
– Aiming to be within a healthy weight spectrum
– Remembering to exercise
– Understanding the impact of any medications
– Being up to date with vaccinations
– Avoiding alcohol, smoking and illicit drugs

The simplest way to help ensure a healthy baby is a healthy diet. While it’s not the only answer, it is a major factor in maintaining your health throughout your pregnancy. This, in turn, helps your baby stay healthy. 

Your baby gets the nutrients it needs from you. A healthy, balanced diet should contain the nutrients and trace elements your body, and your baby, needs. 

Guy can take you through the need for this and, if you need, can refer you to a specialist nutritionist who can help you map out a diet for you. For before you get pregnant. And for while you are pregnant.

In some instances, your diet may need an extra boost in some areas. 

The need for this can usually be identified through your medical history or through a blood test.

If you do need vitamin supplements, we can recommend the right supplement to ensure you and your baby are getting all the nutrients they need. 

If you do need extra vitamins, we recommend looking at the well-recognized brands as a starting point.

If you are a first-time mother, you’ll hear people talking about the need for folic acid. And, whether you are a first-time mother or already have a child, folic acid has been proven to reduce the risk of brain and spine issues in babies. It has also been shown to help with mothers who are at risk of diabetes or taking epilepsy medication. 

Folic acid can be bought at any pharmacy in the form of folate. If you have a preferred brand, most of the major vitamin and supplement companies will offer folate.  

We recommend you take at least 0.5mg of folic acid for the month before falling pregnant. And for the first three months of your pregnancy, while the brain, spine and nervous system are being formed. 

Weight is a sensitive area for anyone.

It is important to know there is no ideal weight for people wishing to fall pregnant. There is a weight range most doctors and obstetricians will like you to be in. But, as any experienced doctor or midwife can tell you, every woman is different. 

There is, however, a broad understanding of the issues faced by women who are either underweight or overweight. Both issues can affect fertility – making it harder to fall pregnant. And both issues can create problems for you, and your baby, during pregnancy.

If you’re underweight, this can be seen as a sign you, or your baby, may not get enough nutrients during the crucial formative months. It can also place stress on your body as you near the end of your term.

If you’re overweight, you have a higher chance of miscarriage. You may also be susceptible to issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which will need regular monitoring throughout your pregnancy. You may also have an increased need for a caesarean section.

Moderate exercise works wonders for pregnant women. And for women who want to fall pregnant.

It improves fertility. Especially for women who are overweight or obese.

It helps prepare your body for the birth. 

It can reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure or diabetes, especially when combined with a healthy diet.

If you have trouble exercising, exercise with your partner. It not only helps you stay fit, it’s a great way to stay connected throughout the latter months of the pregnancy.

Please note. It is not a magic bullet. Excessive exercise can hamper fertility attempts.

Any medication can affect your capacity to fall pregnant. 

If you are on regular medication, please talk to Guy about the medication you’re on at your first visit. He’ll want to know about the underlying condition and will ask questions about your condition and your overall health. 

He will also be able to tell you if there are any foreseeable issues with that medication – with regards to your pregnancy. And help you understand what steps, if any, you might need to take. Before you fall pregnant. And during pregnancy.

Some diseases, like German Measles and Chickenpox, can have serious consequences for your baby. 

We recommend all women wanting to fall pregnant check they have current vaccinations or have a booster shot at least 4 weeks prior to falling pregnant.

Alcohol, smoking and illicit drugs have an impact on your body, and your body’s capacity to handle extra stress. Like the physical stress of pregnancy. They have also been proven to reduce fertility in men and women. And they can harm the developing baby. 

If you are thinking of falling pregnant, we recommend you stop smoking and illicit drugs before trying.  

Not drinking alcohol at all, before you fall pregnant and throughout the pregnancy, is the safest option.