Removal for Ovarian Cysts
There Are Two Different Types Of Normal Physiological Ovarian Cysts.
A follicular cyst.
Eggs are formed through ovarian follicles each month. Usually, around halfway through your monthly cycle, an egg with emerge from the ovarian follicle and begin its journey to your womb. If the follicle doesn’t release the egg, a cyst may form around the end of the follicle.
Corpus luteum cyst.
These occur when, after the follicle has released the egg, fluid gathers inside the follicle which then turns into a cyst. They are often present in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
Both of these types of cyst can give rise to transient symptoms such as acute pain, bloating and pelvic tenderness. Many women seek help when these symptoms become too severe.

Cyst Treatment
Guy will use ultrasound to determine if you do have an ovarian cyst and what type of cyst it is. In many cases, the cyst will be monitored and will, within a few months, resolve itself.
In some cases, the only way to resolve the issue is through a laparoscopy.
Whichever cyst you have, and whatever issues it might trigger, a chat with Dr Guy Skinner will help. Guy can talk you through the symptoms you’re having, your medical history and your plans for pregnancy. He’ll then help you understand what options will work best for you and help you map out the best way forward.