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About Circumcisions 

Circumcision is a procedure to remove the foreskin of the penis to expose the glans permanently.  


Around 20% of boys in Australia are circumcised while, around the world, the number sits at around 30%. This is mostly the result of religious and cultural practices.


There are a number of reasons you may want your son circumcised. It’s important to note this is your decision, and we respect your right to choose what’s right for your son.

It is a simple operation which can be performed in the first few weeks after birth with local anaesthetic.

Guy has performed hundreds of neonatal circumcisions over twenty years. He prefers to use the plastibel ™ technique. This method avoids the use of scalpels and involves a specially-formed plastic bell being placed around the glans and a ring then placed around the base of the foreskin. This then cuts off the blood supply to the foreskin and allows the foreskin to drop off naturally after seven to ten days.

To Circumcise or Not

There are arguments for or against circumcision, and it’s fair to say even the medical profession has quite differing views. 

In the USA the Centers for Disease Control and College of Paediatrics both suggest a distinct health advantage to circumcision. In the UK, the College of Physicians doesn’t support this view.

It comes down to your preference and what you believe is right for your son.

Guy is able to talk you through all the reasons for and against circumcision and can provide perspectives based on his extensive experience with the surgery and with other families who have been faced with the same experience.

Circumcisions For Older Boys

Circumcisions can be performed at any age although, the older the boy is, this is usually only done for health reasons. For example, a small percentage of boys require it due to complications from infections, or due to scarring of the meatus (the hole at the end of the penis).  

If the boy is older, he will require a general anaesthetic.

Please note: Guy does not perform circumcisions on older boys, but can recommend a highly skilled paediatric surgeon should you require one.


A circumcision is the removal of the foreskin. The foreskin is the skin at the end of the penis forming a hood over the head of the penis (the glans).

Boys are circumcised for medical, religious or cultural reasons.

While circumcision used to be more frequent, in Australia, since the 1970s the rates of circumcision have declined with more and more boys remaining uncircumcised.

In most cases, the decision comes down to your preference. Guy can talk you through the reasons why your baby may or may not need a circumcision. These mostly boil down to one of two reasons.

  • Medical
    • If your son has a tight foreskin or keeps getting infections of the foreskin and the head of the penis, Guy may recommend a circumcision.
    • In older boys and men, a circumcision may be needed if the foreskin continually contributes to infections or blocks the head of the penis. Please note. Guy does not perform circumcisions on older boys – but can recommend a trusted surgeon for you.
  • Religious or cultural
    • There are a number of different religions and cultures that circumcise their sons. These include Jewish, Islamic and many African communities.

Again, it depends on individual circumstances, however, in general, there are some health benefits associated with circumcision. These include:

  • It’s easier to wash
    • While circumcision does make washing easy, uncircumcised boys can be taught proper hygiene and washing beneath the foreskin quickly becomes an easy habit
  • Less risk of infection
    • Urinary tract infections occur more frequently in uncircumcised males
    • Circumcised men also have a reduced risk of contracting some sexually transmitted diseases
  • Prevention of some penile problems
    • Circumcision removes the risk of phimosis – which is the condition which makes it difficult to retract the foreskin and often results in an inflammation of either the foreskin or the head of the penis
  • A reduced chance of some cancers
    • Penile cancer is rare, but much less common in circumcised males
    • Cervical cancer is seen less often in wives and partners of circumcised men

Dr Guy Skinner uses the plastibel™ for all circumcisions. This is a plastic bell which is fits under the foreskin and over the glans. A rubber ring is then inserted over the head of the penis which cuts off blood supply to the foreskin causing it to drop off after around 10 days.

Your son might be a little unsettled immediately afterwards, but this will settle down within 24 hours.

Any risks are either complications due to surgery or anaesthetic.

Guy will talk through any risks with you before any circumcision. These include the risks involved if your son has, or your family has a history of, a blood slotting disorder. Or if your baby has been born premature.