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Prenatal Screening (NIPs TEST)

Non-invasive prenatal screening (N.I.PS test) has been available to Australian women through their Private Obstetrician for more than three years and has revolutionised the way to screen for conditions such as Down’s Syndrome.  The test was initially processed in California for a fee of nearly

How Endometriosis Affects Pregnancy

Endometriosis is one of the more common issues for women in the fertile age range, and while many women may be unaware of its presence, conversely, women who have had it diagnosed are often very concerned for its future impact.  Endometriosis is a condition where

Perinatal Mental Health

I see in my practice much anxiety and depression in both pre and post birth.  Mental health issues are often unfortunately put in the closet. This may be because of outward fear or rejection of having issues, shame and fear of change in relationships or

A Private Hospital Perspective

Our consulting suites are located on level 1 at St Vincent’s Private Hospital, overlooking the city.  Our easy access to public transport and proximity to the city is one of the many benefits for our patients. In addition, there are many lesser known but more

What You Need to Know About Pre-Eclampsia

What You Need to Know About Pre-Eclampsia   What is pre-eclampsia? Pre-eclampsia is a serious complication in pregnancy that rarely occurs before 20 weeks gestation, and more commonly occurs late in pregnancy.  It represents a severe reaction between the placenta and the mother, resulting in

CMV (Cytomegalovirus) and pregnancy

CMV (Cytomegalovirus) and pregnancy By Dr Guy SKinner   CMV is the most common damaging infection in pregnancy.  Many people are fearful of the risk of Listeria from contaminated food during their pregnancy, but this is actually a rare problem in pregnancy. CMV however, is

high-risk pregnancy

The Importance of Iron in Pregnancy

Whilst the media and marketing machines of large companies have an obsession with trying to get pregnant women to consume their vitamin products, it is the poorer cousins, the minerals, that often get forgotten. We regularly see iron and calcium deficiency through the course of